Pervasive Health and Personalised Medicine Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities
(Pervasive PerMed)
Location: Room 21: Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm
Pervasive Permed Workshop Position Paper Download
Mehdi Boukhechba, Lihua Cai, Philip I. Chow, Karl Fua, Matthew S. Gerber, Bethany A. Teachman, Laura E. Barnes
12:30 – 13:30 lunch

Venet Osmani, Li Li, Matteo Danieletto, Benjamin Glicksberg, Joel Dudley and Oscar Mayora
Mehdi Boukhechba, Lihua Cai, Philip I. Chow, Karl Fua, Matthew S. Gerber, Bethany A. Teachman, Laura E. Barnes
Netzahualcoyotl Hernandez, Muhammad Asif Razzaq, Chris Nugent
Ben Salem
Cornelius Agbo
Background and Motivation:
Today the promise of precision and Personalised Medicine (PM) needs to take into consideration the potentiality offered by new technologies aiming at collecting and managing environmental, healthcare and lifestyle data, such as Pervasive Health does. The challenges imposed by the integration of Pervasive Health and PM go far beyond only technological aspects that still need to be solved. In fact, these also include, among others, regulatory concerns about data management and data ownership, validation of cost-benefits of utilizing PM approaches and ethical and legal aspects concerning personal user information.
The overall topic of the workshop is the crossroads between Precision and Personalised Medicine (PM) and Pervasive Health Research. The topic is of particular interest at this point of time, given the maturity level that Pervasive Health technologies are reaching and the opportunities to implement these solutions as part of PM scenarios in actual clinical practices. In fact, nowadays, it is common to see Pervasive Health startups providing disease-specific, personalised applications to the market (e.g. using mHealth, wearable sensors, etc.). However, the integration of data generated from these new applications are still facing many challenges to get integrated into more sophisticated PM scenarios.
Workshop Topics – CFPs :
This workshop intends to be a forum for clinical professionals and ICT researchers to discuss what the main challenges are for the integration of PM-Pervasive Health approaches and how these should be address to maximize their impact in today’s health scenarios. The expected result of the Workshop is the identification of the key challenges and opportunities for integrating pervasive health technologies into future PM approaches and scenarios.
We seek papers contributions with studies, thoughts and preliminary results aiming to provide answers to fundamental questions in this area, such as:
- What are the open challenges and opportunities for integrating Pervasive Health technologies with PM approaches?
- What are the findings and lessons learnt from early field experimentations?
- Will integration between Pervasive Health and PM be connected only through a definition of the healthcare process or are there other fundamental aspects to bring into?
- Which are the priorities for new directions of research?
- Are there preliminary studies with relevant findings on Pervasive Health and PM integration?
- Which are the main use-cases?
- Which are the early results?
- What is the relevant research for the future?
Submissions Schedule:
- March 30th, 2018: Deadline for paper submissions to Workshop
- April 15th, 2018: Workshop paper notification
- April 22nd, 2018: Deadline for Camera ready submission
- May 21st, 2018: Workshop day
Submission Instructions
Contributions to the workshop will be reviewed by a TPC Committee and final decisions will be made by the Workshop organizers taking into account the originality of contributions and sustain on claims on future research in the field.
Please prepare your 4-6 pages paper using the ACM 2-column format. View the ACM guidelines and templates at this link (, and please read the below instructions. Please be sure to use the correct Category and Subject Descriptor in your paper. See the above guidelines for instructions and visit for more information.
Your paper must be submitted in PDF format. Send your PDF contributions by the deadline to the following email: omayora [at] fbk [dot] eu.
Expected Outcomes:
The expected result of the Workshop is the identification of the key challenges and opportunities for integrating pervasive health technologies into future PM approaches and scenarios. The outcomes of this workshop will permeate to the Pervasive Health Community in different ways: In a short term the results are intended to be published as a white paper in a relevant journal to share with the larger community the views of the participants and contributors to the workshop. In the longer term, the recommendations on relevant opportunities and challenges on this field will be integrated in coming years Pervasive Health Conferences topics of interest. This will be facilitated by the Steering Committee of Pervasive Health Conference in order to assure continuity of the outcomes of the workshop into future events.
Workshop Organizers:
Oscar Mayora – Research interest in mobile and pervasive computing and context aware technologies for healthcare. In particular I am interested in personalised medicine due to my involvement in a series of projects related to empowering patients in outpatient settings using pervasive health technologies.
Riccardo Miotto – My research interest encompasses the design of algorithms for information retrieval and machine learning applied to clinical data for personalized medicine and medical search engines. In particular, I recently have been focusing on the development and application of novel solutions to extract meaningful representations from the patient electronic health records (EHRs) that can be used for clinical prediction and medical analysis.
Technical Program Members:
- Zhe He, Florida State University
- Mary Regina Boland, University of Pennsylvania
- Benjamin Glicksberg, University of California at San Francisco
- Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Università di Padova
- Matteo Danieletto, Mount Sinai Hospital
- Venet Osmani, FBK
- Mostafa Sheikhalishahi, FBK