
Design4Diversity 2018: Workshop on Designing with Diverse Populations: Sharing Experiences, Best Practices, and Opportunities

Location: Room 20 A: Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Workshop program

  • 9:00am-9:30am:       Welcome and introductions. Ice-breaking activities
  • 9:30am-10:30am:     Presentations: Research experiences. Papers 1-4
  • 10:30am-11:00am:   Coffee-break.
  • 11:00am – 12:30pm: Presentations: Research proposals. Papers 5-10.
  • 12:30pm – 1:30pm    Lunch Break.
  • 1:30pm – 3:00pm:     Teamwork by topics.
  • 3:00pm – 3:30pm:     Coffee-break.
  • 3:30pm – 4:45pm:     Team discussions
  • 4:45pm – 5pm:          Closing remarks and future plans.

Accepted papers and presentation order

order Title Authors Type Target population
Research experiences (9:30 – 10:30 am)
1 Engaging Older Adults with Depression as Co-Designers of Assistive In-Home Robots Natasha Randall, Selma Šabanović, Wynnie Chang Research experiences Older adults
2 Recruiting Older Adults in the Wild: Reflections on Challenges and Lessons Learned from Research Experience Jomara Binda, Xiying Wang, John M. Carroll Research experiences Older adults
3 Facilitating discussion and shared meaning: Rethinking co-design sessions with people with vision impairments Robin Brewer Research experiences People with disabilities
4 Engaging Older Adults in the Participatory Design of Intelligent Health Search Tools Aqueasha Marie Martin-Hammond Research experiences Older adults
Research proposals (11:00 am – 12:30 pm)
5 FoodSampler: engaging people to contextualise food behaviour. Mixed methods for monitoring choices and triggers of eating habits Natalia Romero Research proposal Older adults
6 Informing Design through Sociocultural Values: Co-Creation with Low-Income African-American Older Adults Christina N. Harrington, Anne Marie Piper Research proposal Older adults
7 What Did You Eat Today?: Designing a Health Program on Nutritional Poverty Miguel Ángel Ylizaliturri-Salcedo, J. Antonio García-Macías, Leocundo Aguilar-Noriega, Raúl Cárdenas-Osuna Research proposal Vulnerable population in general
8 ID4IDS Methodology: Towards Inclusive Design for Individuals with Down Syndrome Adrian Macias, Karina Caro, Luis A. Castro, Manuel Domitsu-Kono Research proposal Children with developmental disorders
9 Designing Gamification Technology for and with Students with Behavioral Disorders Aidan Toole, Allison Nicole Spiller, Karina Caro, Gabriela Marcu Research proposal Children with developmental disorders
10 Supporting Constructive Social Media Mental Health Discourse by Design Johnna Blair, Saeed Abdullah Research proposal Mental health



FoodSampler: engaging people to contextualise food behaviour. Mixed methods for monitoring choices and triggers of eating habits
Natalia Romero

Informing Design through Sociocultural Values: Co-Creation with Low-Income African-American Older Adults
Christina N. Harrington, Anne Marie Piper

Supporting Constructive Social Media Mental Health Discourse by Design
Johnna Blair, Saeed Abdullah

Engaging Older Adults with Depression as Co-Designers of Assistive In-Home Robots
Natasha Randall, Selma Šabanović, Wynnie Chang

Recruiting Older Adults in the Wild: Reflections on Challenges and Lessons Learned from Research Experience
Jomara Binda, Xiying Wang, John M. Carroll

What Did You Eat Today?: Designing a Health Program on Nutritional Poverty
Miguel Ángel Ylizaliturri-Salcedo, J. Antonio García-Macías, Leocundo Aguilar-Noriega, Raúl Cárdenas-Osuna

Facilitating discussion and shared meaning: Rethinking co-design sessions with people with vision impairments
Robin N. Brewer

ID4IDS Methodology: Towards Inclusive Design for Individuals with Down Syndrome
Adrian Macias, Karina Caro, Luis A. Castro, Manuel Domitsu-Kono

Engaging Older Adults in the Participatory Design of Intelligent Health Search ToolsAqueasha Marie Martin-Hammond, Sravani Vemireddy, Kartik Rao

Designing Gamification Technology for and with Students with Behavioral Disorders
Aidan Toole, Allison Nicole Spiller, Karina Caro, Gabriela Marcu

We invite researchers, students, and practitioners with experience conducting participatory design with diverse populations. Junior researchers and students who are planning to conduct participatory design with diverse populations are also encouraged to share their plans and obtain feedback. The goal of the workshop is to discuss the challenges that emerge when conducting participatory design with diverse populations. We will compare and contrast challenges across populations, and share successful techniques as well as lessons learned.Participatory design is a highly valued and widely used method in the Pervasive Health community. A growing focus on health, wellness, and social good have expanded the use of participatory design to a variety of populations. From children and older adults to patients and refugees, the Pervasive Health community is engaging in important design work to benefit diverse populations. The aims of these design activities include the development of assistive technologies, novel applications of interaction paradigms, and empowerment of vulnerable groups. This workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to compare and contrast their experiences with engaging diverse populations in participatory design.

Scope and Topics
The workshop aims to provide the discussion of following issues:

  • Building rapport: How do you introduce facilitators (i.e., yourself) and the participatory design process (i.e., your work)? What phrases are effective for encouraging participants to provide ongoing, detailed and honest input?
  • Prompts: When is it useful to provide narrative prompts such as scenarios or stories for participants to respond to? How are these prompts generated and integrated into the design process?
  • Activities: What are some examples of innovative and creative activities that have proven appropriate and effective for specific populations? What types of activities can maximize enjoyment for participants while optimizing data collection for facilitators?
  • Tools/Artifacts: What tools or artifacts are helpful to participants and/or facilitators? When does high tech work well? When does low tech work well?
  • Technology experience: How much relevant technology experience should participants have? Do different amounts of experiences lead to different types of contributions?
  • Allies: When and how do you utilize gatekeepers, champions, or advocates for a specific population? When and how do you enlist caregivers, clinicians, or proxies for a specific population? What are the advantages of these points of view, and when do they outweigh the potential risks of not engaging the population directly?

Workshop format

The workshop will include a technical program enabling participants to share and discuss different protocols, approaches, lessons learned and strategies they have used to conduct participatory design with diverse populations. We invite position papers 4-6 pages long, which reflect on challenges conducting participatory design with a specific population, discuss lessons learned, outline effective strategies and opportunities. Particularly, we are interested in two types of submissions:

  • Research experiences: Reflections on lessons learned and best practices in conducting participatory design sessions.
  • Research proposal: Proposal of a study involving participatory design with a specific population.

Contributions to the workshop will be reviewed by a Technical Program Committee, and final decisions will be made by the workshop organizers taking into account the originality of contributions and the potential for generating interesting discussion around different challenges in participatory design with diverse populations.

Paper Submissions

All accepted workshop submissions will be published in the conference’s main proceedings. Workshop submissions should follow the PervasiveHealth 2018 general proceedings format:  2-column format using SIGCHI template. Details in: Please be sure to use the correct Category and Subject Descriptor in your paper. Visit for more information.

Authors of the accepted submissions will be invited to present and discuss their work at the workshop. For each of the accepted submissions, at least one author must attend the workshop and at least one day of PervasiveHealth 2018 conference.

Your paper must be submitted in PDF format. Send your PDF contributions by the deadline to the following email:


For more information visit the workshop website:


Important Dates

March 30th, 2018: Deadline for paper submissions to Workshop (23:59 AoE)

April 15th, 2018: Workshop paper notification

April 22nd, 2018: Deadline for Camera-ready submission

May 21st, 2018: Workshop day


Workshop Organizers

Karina Caro, Drexel University, USA
Yamini Karanam, Indiana University, USA
Gabriela Marcu, Drexel University, USA
Kay H. Connelly, Indiana University, USA
Juan Fernando Maestre, Indiana University, USA