This event is endorsed
and organized by

10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare

May 16–19, 2016 | Cancun, Mexico

Call for Exhibitions, Demos & Posters

Submissions should be uploaded to Confy submissions System - more details down below. 


The 10th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Pervasive Health 2016 - - invites proposals that address innovative and important topics related to the application of pervasive technologies in the field of healthcare. This is divided into three categories: Exhibitions, Demos & Posters.


Exhibitions does not require academic content but allows anyone to showcase their technologies and approaches to the community. Exhibitions presents an opportunity for both academics and companies to present a demonstration of their work, research, service, prototype or product, and allows for an engagement with the community.


Demos will showcase the latest developments and prototypes related to the topics of interest of the conference. We seek proposals for demonstrations of pervasive technologies across the full environment of healthcare, starting from clinical applications to wearable, ambient and home based health monitoring technologies up to assistive devices and educational or motivational aids. The expected demo submissions should describe the technical details of the demo alongside its contribution to the pervasive healthcare domain. 


Posters aims at reporting on the progress of ongoing research and insights into the lessons learned from current (industrial, practitioners, government, etc.) pervasive healthcare practice. Posters invite a wide range of topics and types of work including formative or summative evaluations, methodologies, technological innovation, and design in the area of pervasive health. A shorter version of published work will be rejected. We encourage the authors to use the Posters venue as a way to open up discussions with the Pervasive Health community about their early work in progress and develop the work for future publication and innovation.



Exhibitions, Demos & Posters provides authors an opportunity to demonstrate or present their work, including research, service, prototype or product addressing one or more of the suggested topics as presented in the general call for participation. A successful submission communicates ideas and concepts in a powerful way, a regular presentation cannot. All accepted submissions are showcased during the conference, where the presenters have the ability to interact with the conference attendees, and showcase their work and technologies. We therefore encourage making your presentation visually or otherwise appealing and presenting it in an innovative way. 


 Submission and Review Process

The submission should be formatted using the extended abstract according to the ACM Pervasive Health 2016 Proceedings Format. Exhibitions and Demos should be a maximum of 2 pages including references, figures, tables, and appendix. The maximum page length for the Posters submissions should be 4 pages including references, figures, tables, and appendix.

The deadline for the submissions is March 18th, 2016. Authors should submit their extended abstracts using the EAI Confy submissions system and have to comply with the ACM format (see Author's kit section).

How do I submit a paper in Confy?

  1. Go to Confy website
  2. Login or sign up as new user
  3. Scroll the list of conferences open for submission
  4. Select PERVASIVE HEALTH 2016
  5. Click the 'submit a paper' link and follow the instructions

Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process, and the demos and posters submissions will be peer-reviewed by 2 reviewers with high level of expertise in relevant domains. The exhibitions will be juried by the chairs of this venue. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and presentation, as well as the potential to include participation by conference attendees. The submission should make explicit how the work offers unique and substantial contribution beyond what has already been published or submitted. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.



Accepted abstracts including figures of the demos and posters will be included in the conference proceedings and published in the ACM Digital Library. The exhibitions will not be included in the conference proceedings nor published in ACM Digital Library.


Exibitions, Demos & Posters Chairs 

If you have questions about Exhibitions, Demos and Posters for Pervasive Health 2016, please contact the chairs: For Exhibitions and Demos, Mads Frost ([email protected]); and for Posters, Jina Huh ([email protected]).


Information regarding demos:

  • Please bring your demo and make sure it is set up prior to the Demo and Poster session.

  • The Demo and Poster session will be on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 fro 16:30 to 18:00

  • You have access to set up during the session and coffee break before the Demo and Poster session and you have to take it down afterwards.

  • There is a table with power and wireless internet available, assigned for you.

  • Please be present at your demo during the session.

If there are any questions before the conference, please contact Demo chair Mads Frost at [email protected], and during the conference the local organisers.



Important Information:

  • Submission deadline: March 18th, 2016 (5:00pm PST).
  • Submission format: Anonymized extended abstracts in the ACM Pervasive Health 2016 Proceedings format—2 pages for Exhibition and Demos and 4 pages for Posters
  • Notification of acceptance: April 4th, 2016.
  • Camera-ready deadline: April 12th, 2016.
  • When showcasing, the conference provides power and network connectivity. If you have any other requirements, please contact the Chairs.