This event is endorsed
and organized by

10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare

May 16–19, 2016 | Cancun, Mexico


  • Please prepare your paper using the 2-column format. View the ACM guidelines and templates here, and please read the below instructions.
  • Please be sure to use the correct Category and Subject Descriptor in your paper. See the above guidelines for instructions and visit for more information.
  • For invited papers, please add the line ""(Invited Paper)"" after the title of your paper.
  • Your paper must be submitted in PDF format. A PDF creator can be downloaded for Windows here.
  • Failure to meet the formatting guidelines set by ACM, could result in your paper not being included in the ACM Digital Library.
  • Please note that you will see this box at the bottom of the first page. This must remain in this location on your paper ie. at the bottom of the left column. This is the ACM copyright and document/conference identification.

Paper submission


Paper Submission

Pervasive Health 2016 will accept submissions in the following categories:

  • Full papers (up to 8 pages including references)
  • Short Papers (up to 4 pages including references)
  • Posters (up to 4 pages including references)
  • Demos (2 pages)
  • Workshop proposals (2 pages)
  • Doctoral Colloquium (4 pages)


Full papers should describe novel and mature work, and are limited to 8 pages including references.  Short papers should describe more focused and succinct, but mature work.  Pervasive Health will not accept papers that are currently under review, published or accepted in another venue.

Papers should be submitted through EasyChair system

All submissions must be anonymised. No identifying information on Authors or their affiliation should appear on the paper (except for neutral references to their own work).



Reviewing Process and Publication

Each paper will be blind, peer-reviewed by members of the Pervasive Health 2016 program committee with additional expert reviewers drawn from relevant research domains. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and presentation. The paper should make explicit how the work offers unique and substantial contribution beyond what has already been published or submitted. Authors will be invited to submit their camera-ready papers in ACM format, to be published in ACM Digital Library. Proceedings are also submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL). In the previous years, the acceptance rate of the Pervasive Health Conference was around 30%.


For any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Pervasive Health 2016 committee:

[email protected]