Call for Workshop Papers
2nd IMPACT Workshop: Improving healthcare Management through service design and PAtient empowerment and Collaboration Technologies
Trento, Italy
Co-located to PervasiveHealth 2019
Service design can provide tools for addressing challenges related to adoption of pervasive health technologies. In this workshop, we will connect people interested in design methods to develop health services and solutions which address the specific needs of digitalization of healthcare and, in particular, citizen and patient empowerment-oriented initiatives.
Digitalization of healthcare creates opportunities for services which allow patients to have a stronger role in their care. For example, shared decision-making tools can empower patients in care related decisions, sensor devices can help patients in building self-awareness of their health, and digital platforms provide new ways for patients to communicate with their peers and care professionals. Service design offers tools for harnessing these new digital enablers for patient empowerment through understanding ecosystems, user journeys and value co-creation models needed for successful implementation and adoption in context of care.
The motivation of the workshop is to connect people who have an interest in creating knowledge and tools addressing specific needs of designing services focusing on issues related to digitalization of services in healthcare context. In current service design methods, there is a gap in considering the digital nature of the service, for example interoperability, usability, security or personalization of the service pathway. In addition, there is need for addressing the specific characteristics of healthcare context in service design guidelines and approaches, such as designing for citizen and patient empowerment, health-behavior change or self-management of chronic diseases. This workshop aims at creating new knowledge on how service design methods, tools and approaches can help in addressing digitalization in healthcare.
The workshop welcome papers on, for example:
- Tailored technologies and services for person/patient empowerment, from prevention to treatment (IoT solutions, mobile applications, Artificial Intelligence based systems, etc.).
- Works on persuasive interfaces, serious gaming and motivation strategies for treatment adherence.
- Caregiver-Patient collaboration frameworks for decision making.
- Specific approaches to tackle interoperability, usability, security, in the personalization of the clinical service pathway.
- Experiences of clinical pathway transformation driven by pervasive technologies.
- Cases of use of pervasive and social technologies for disease support.
- Description and application of service design methodologies in healthcare.
- Prospective studies on the potential of pervasive technologies as agent of change in traditional healthcare systems.
- Privacy by design and other methods to guarantee privacy.
Workshop papers will be published together with PervasiveHealth Proceedings.
All accepted and presented papers will be published by ACM (CONFIRMED) and made available through ACM Digital Library.
Proceedings are indexed in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of EAI Scopus indexed journal::
· EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technolog (SCOPUS indexed)
We invite both short (up to 4 pages) and long papers (up to 10 pages). The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and external experts to reach a decision on acceptance. In some cases, the Program Committee may decide to conditionally accept a paper to allow the authors to update their submission based on the committee’s feedback. Proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Submissions must adhere to the double-column ACM format using SIGCHI template. Proceeding templates must be used for preparing the submissions (Word and LaTeX templates are available at Please follow the instructions available at
Submit your paper HERE.
Important Deadlines
- Submission Deadline: 15th March 2019
- Notification Deadline: 29th March 2019
- Camera-ready Deadline: 10th April 2019
All deadlines refer to the UTC Time Zone.
Workshop Organisers
Ana M. Bernardos, Information Processing and Telecommunications Center, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
Minna Isomursu, IT-University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Guido Giunti, University of Oulu, Finland.
Elisabetta Farella, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy.
Contact Person
Ana M. Bernardos, Information Processing and Telecommunications Center, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. [email protected]
Programme Committee
Eduardo Cañada, Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
Erik Grönvall, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Alberto Olmo, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Jelena Mirkovic, Oslo University Hospital HF Division of Medicine, Norway.
Luis Luque, Salumedia, Seville, Spain.
José R. Casar, IPTC, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
Tomas Sokoler, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Teresa Macchia, Digital Catapult, UK.