
Mary P. Czerwinski
Partner Research Manager, Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) Research Group, Microsoft Research.
Title: Technology for Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
Dr. Mary Czerwinski is a Partner Research Manager of the Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) Research Group at Microsoft Research. Mary’s latest research focuses primarily on behavior change and intervention design, health and wellness for individuals and productivity at work. Her research background is in visual attention and multitasking. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington. Mary received the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award, was inducted into the CHI Academy and received the Distinguished Alumni award from Indiana University’s College of Arts and Sciences. Mary is a Fellow of the ACM and the American Psychological Science Association. In 2022, Mary was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering. More information about Dr. Czerwinski can be found at her website:
How can we create technologies to help us reflect on and potentially change our behavior, as well as improve our health and overall wellbeing both at work and at home? In this talk, I will briefly describe the last several years of work our research team has been doing in this area. We have developed wearable technology to help families manage tense situations with their children, mobile phone-based applications for handling stress and depression, as well as automatic stress sensing systems plus interventions to help users just in time. The overarching goal in all of this research is to develop intelligent systems that work with and adapt to the user so that they can maximize their personal health goals and improve their wellbeing.

Nicos Maglaveras received the diploma in electrical engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Greece, in 1982, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering with an emphasis in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, in 1985 and 1988, respectively. He is currently a Professor of Medical Informatics, A.U.Th. He served as head of the graduate program in medical informatics at A.U.Th, as Visiting Professor at Northwestern University Dept of EECS (2016-2019), and is a collaborating researcher with the Center of Research and Technology Hellas, and the National Hellenic Research Foundation.
His current research interests include biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics, ehealth, AAL, personalised health, biosignal analysis, medical imaging, and neurosciences. He has published more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, books and conference proceedings out of which over 160 as full peer review papers in indexed international journals. He has developed graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of (bio)medical informatics, biomedical signal processing, personal health systems, physiology and biological systems simulation.
He has served as a Reviewer in CEC AIM, ICT and DGRT D-HEALTH technical reviews and as reviewer, associate editor and editorial board member in more than 20 international journals, and participated as Coordinator or Core Partner in over 45 national and EU and US funded competitive research projects attracting more than 16 MEUROs in funding. He has served as president of the EAMBES in 2008-2010. Dr. Maglaveras has been a member of the IEEE, AMIA, the Greek Technical Chamber, the New York Academy of Sciences, the CEN/TC251, Eta Kappa Nu and an EAMBES Fellow.
Nicos Maglaveras
Professor of Medical Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Title: Personalised health driven by digital health systems and multi-source
health/environmental data, ML/AI/DL analytics and predictive models
The last years saw a steep increase in the number of wearable sensors and systems, mhealth and uhealth apps both in the clinical settings and in everyday life. Further large amounts of data both in the clinical settings (imaging, biochemical, medication, electronic health records, -omics), in the community (behavioral, social media, mental state, genetic tests, wearable driven bio-parameters and biosignals) as well as environmental stressors and data (air quality, water pollution etc.) have been produced, and made available to the scientific and medical community, powering the new AI/DL/ML based analytics for the identification of new digital biomarkers leading to new diagnostic pathways, updated clinical and treatment guidelines, and a better and more intuitive interaction medium between the citizen and the health care system.
Thus, the concept of connected and translational health has started evolving steadily, connecting pervasive health systems, using new predictive models, new approaches in biological systems modeling and simulation, as well as fusing data and information from different pipelines for more efficient diagnosis and disease management.
In this talk, we will present the current state-of-the-art in personalized health care by presenting cases from COVID-19 and COPD patients using advanced wearable vests and new technology sensors including lung sound and EIT, new outcome prediction models in COVID-19 ICU patients fusing X-Rays, lung sounds, and ICU parameters transformed via AI/ML/DL pipelines, new approaches fusing environmental stressors with -omics analytics for chronic disease management, and finally new ML/AI-driven methodologies for predicting mental health diseases including suicidality, anxiety, and depression.