Accepted Papers

Measuring Contextual Factors that Influence Real-World Walking Speed
Ireson, Neil (The University of Sheffield); Lanfranchi, Vita (The University of Sheffield)
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Electronic Health Record System
Theodosiou, Alexandros (3AE Health LTD)
EghiFit: Smartphone based Behaviour Monitoring and Health Recommendation in a Weight Loss Intervention Study
Ivezić, Dijana (University of Freiburg); Keppel, Jonas (University of Duisburg-Essen); Becker, Christine (Bodymed AG); Walle, Hardy (Bodymed AG); Schneegass, Stefan (University of Duisburg-Essen); Amft, Oliver (University of Freiburg)
Using Predictive Analysis and Wearables to Increase Physical Activity among Individuals with Disabilities- SMART Design
Mohanraj, Sangeetha (University of Alabama at Birmingham); Thirumalai, Mohanraj (University of Alabama at Birmingham); Mendonca, Christen John (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
BeClean: Designing Personalized Eco-Feedback Application for Pro-Environmental Behavior
Mahapasuthanon, Pattiya (George Mason University); Genaro Motti, Vivian (George Mason University)
Use of Gamified Monetary Rewards as a Means of Motivation towards Daily Self-Monitoring of Diabetes Management Behaviors
Thirumalai, Mohanraj (The University of Alabama at Birmingham); John, Tejossy (The University of Alabama at Birmingham); Mehta, Tapan (The University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Improving Personalized Medicine via AI-based Precision Tracheostomy
Toulkeridou, Evropi (CYENS Centre of Excellence); Kosmidou, Panagiota (German Oncology Center, Limassol, Cyprus); Vevis, Kristis (German Oncology Center, Limassol, Cyprus); Antoniou, Zinonas (3aHealth); Kallinos, Loizos (3aHealth); Valiandi, Ioanna (CYENS CoE); Panayides, Andreas (CYENS CoE)
Serious Games for Children with Motor Dysgraphia: Context and Requirements Analysis and Participatory Design Thinking Ideation
Rettinger, Lena (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien); Hauser, Carina (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien); Gstöttner, Lisa-Sophie (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien); Goldschmid, René (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien); Schönthaler, Erna (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien); Putz, Peter (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien)
Physical Activity, Physical Function and Quality of Life in Midlife Women.
Giggins, Oonagh (Dundalk Institute of Technology); Cullen-Smith, Suzanne (Dundalk Institute of Technology); Broeckx, Leen (Thomas More University of Applied Sciences); Sels, Romy (Thomas More University of Applied Sciences); Helsen, Kim (Thomas More University of Applied Sciences); Cuppens, Kris (Thomas More University of Applied Sciences)
Social Media and Its Impact on Orthorexia Nervosa. A Systematic Literature Review.
Lecaj, Rron (SMK, College of Applied Sciences)
Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Segmentation System in MS with Deep Neural Networks
Adamides, Giorgos (3aHealth); Panayides, Andreas (CYENS CoE); Loizou, Christos (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and Informatics, Cyprus University of Technology); Nicolaou, Andria (Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus); Pantzaris, Marios (University of Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics); Pattichis, Constantinos (Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)
Design and Evaluation of an AR-Assisted Tool for Enhancing Breast Self-Examination and Awareness
Wang, Yijing (Georgia Institute of Technology); Aflatoony, Leila (Georgia Institute of Technology)
No One Teaches Me How to Do This: Clinical Research Coordinators Confront Challenges in Digital Clinical Trials
Han, Jiyoon (Sungkyunkwan University); Lee, Mangyeong (Sungkyunkwan University); Cho, Juhee (Sungkyunkwan University); Oh, Dongryul (Samsung Medical Center); Ahn, Jinseok (Samsung Medical Center)
Enhancing IoMT Security: An Improved ChaCha Algorithm for Secure Data Transmission on IoMT Devices
jabari, khawla (Engineering Sciences Lab, ENSA, University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco); ABDELLAOUI, Abderrahim (Engineering Sciences Lab, ENSA, University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco)
The user-centred design, and evaluation of the MyGDM prototype mHealth tool: Poster
Kirkwood, Jasmine R (University of Edinburgh); Dickson, Jane (University of Dundee); Stevens, Marryat (MyWay Digital Health); Manataki, Areti (University of St Andrews); Lindsay, Robert S (University of Glasgow); Wake, Deborah J (University of Edinburgh and MyWay Digital Health); Reynolds, Rebecca M (University of Edinburgh)
Unveiling Inequalities in Mobile Health Utilization Across Different Implementation Phases: Analyzing Factors Associated with Access, Adoption, Adherence, and Maintenance
Yang, Seongwoo (Sungkyunkwan University); Cha, Myoung Jin (Sungkyunkwan University); Lee, Mangyeong (Samsung Medical Center); Cho, Juhee (Samaung Medical Center)
Dropout Prediction Using Advanced Machine Learning Models in a School and Community-Based Intervention to Promote Healthy Lifestyle and Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Feel4Diabetes
Tziastas, Christos (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas); Triantafyllidis, Andreas (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas); Alexiadis, Anastasios (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas); Votis, Konstantinos (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas); Cardon, Greet (Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium); Lindström, Jaana (Population Health Unit, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland.); Iotova, Violeta (Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization Medical University of Varna, Varna, Bulgaria); Rurik, Imre (Semmelweis University, Department of Family Medicine, Budapest); Moreno, Luis A. (Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development (GENUD) Research Group, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain); Karaglani, Eva (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece); Mavrogianni, Christina (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece); Manios, Yannis (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece)
Chakravarthy, Atheendrapal (Pondicherry University)
From Monitoring to Empowerment: Revolutionizing Elderly and Bedridden Care with Low-Cost Privacy-First Technology
de Pinho Andre, Rafael (EMAp – FGV); Fonseca, Almir (EMAp – FGV); Westfal, Lucas (EMAp – FGV)
Exploring Stress Management and Coping Mechanisms of Indian International Students: A Pilot Study
Mohamed, HousamEldin Adel-Ragab (University of Michigan-Flint); Shuva, Imrul K. (University of Michigan-Flint); Tang, Charlotte (University of Michigan-Flint)
Bias in Context: Clinicians Perceptions of Women’s Healthcare
Heaney, Andrea (Technological University Dublin); Murphy, Emma (Technological University Dublin); Hickey, Eugene (Technological University Dublin)
Review of Deep Learning Applications in the Enhancement of Pneumonia Medical Image Analysis: A Case Study of West-Meru Hospital
Kimeu, Japheth Mumo (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology); Michael, Kisangiri (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology); Mbelwa, Hope (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology); Leo, Judith (Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology)
Exploring Interruptions and Task Resumption Strategies for Designing Digital Home Health Assessments
Tang, Charlotte (University of Michigan Flint); McGrenere, Joanna (University of British Columbia); Jacova, Claudia (Pacific University)
Preliminary Validation of an IMU-based Physiotherapy Assessment System for the Lower Extremities
Bonfiglio, Alessandro (University of Trento); Petrucelli, Cecilia (Politecnico di Milano); Villa, Giacomo (Politecnico di Milano); Bongers, Raoul M. (University Medical Center Groningen); Farella, Elisabetta (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Applying virtual reality in older adult healthcare education – A case study
Hu, Yan (Blekinge Institute of Technology); Sundstedt, Veronica (Blekinge Institute of Technology); Berner, Jessica (Blekinge Institute of Technology); Perlesi, Ivan (Virotea AB)
Digital didactic tool for the development of vascular microsurgery skills in students of medical-surgical specializations
Aguirre Ramos, Javier Adolfo (Universidad Icesi); Aguilar Toledo, Juan Carlos (FundaciĂłn Valle del Lili)
Temporal Analysis on Topics Using Word2Vec: Insights from Health and Sports News
Sandhu, Angad (John Hopkins University); Narayan, Vishesh (University of Maryland); Wajid, Faizan (University of Maryland); Agrawala, Ashok (University of Maryland)
The causal effect of personality traits on the mental health in breast cancer patients under the occurrence of negative life events
Petrakis, Aristeidis (Computational Biomedicine Laboratory, FORTH-ICS, Heraklion, Greece); Mylona, Eugenia (FORTH); Kourou, Konstantina (MedLab); Manikis, Georgios (Computational BioMedicine Laboratory, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas); Kondylakis, Haridimos (FORTH-ICS); Marias, Kostas (FORTH); Poikonen-Saksela, Paula (Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center and Helsinki University, Finland); Simos, Panagiotis (School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece); Karademas, Evangelos (Department of Psychology, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece); Mazzocco, Ketti (Applied Research Division for Cognitive and Psychological Science, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy); Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth (Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel – The Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma, Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel); Sousa, Berta (Breast Unit, Champalimaud Clinical Centre/ Champalimaud Foundation, Champalimaud Research, Lisboa, Portugal); Fotiadis, Dimitrios (University of Ioannina)
You are not you when you are tired: The effects of ego depletion on stress levels reporting
Bellanger, Antoine (University of Geneva); Matias, Igor (University of Geneva); Wac, Katarzyna (University of Geneva)
Does Personalization of Motivational Messages Enhance Adherence to Walking Interventions Among Cancer Patients?
Lisowska, Aneta (Vrije Universiteit); Lewis, Nehama (University of Haifa); Wilk, Szymon (Poznan University of Technology); Peleg, Mor (University of Haifa)
Radiomics Prediction of Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer: Interpretation and Imaging Pitfalls
Ioannidis, Georgios S. (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas); Joshi, Smriti (University of Barcelona); Kalliatakis, Grigorios (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas); Nikiforaki, Katerina (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas); Kilintzis, Vassilis (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas); Kondylakis, Haridimos (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas); Diaz, Oliver (University of Barcelona); Bobowicz, Maciej (University of GdaĹ„sk); Lekadir, Karim (University of Barcelona); Marias, Kostas (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas)
A Knowledge Graph Question Answering System for Personalized Nutrition and Recipes Recommendation
Tsampos, Ioannis (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University); Marakakis, Emmanouil (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University)
Anemoi: Breath Analytics for Ailment Prediction and Recovery Tracking
Wajid, Faizan (University of Maryland, College Park); Agrawala, Ashok (University of Maryland, College Park)
The Virtual Co-design of Sleep Solved – A Case Study of an Educational Sleep App Designed with Teens
Duffy, Anthony (Simon Fraser University); Bennett, Sarah E (University of Bristol); Yardley, Lucy (University of Bristol); Moreno, Sylvain (Simon Fraser University)
Detecting Sleep Disruptions in Adolescents Using Context-sensitive EMA: A Feasibility Study
Lakshminarayanan, Rithika (Northeastern University); Uppal, Arushi (Northeastern University); Le, Ha (Northeastern University); Spilsbury, James C (Case Western Reserve University); Intille, Stephen (Northeastern University)
Evaluation Of Level System Structures On The Engagement Of Participants In mHealth Applications
James, Lorenzo (Eindhoven University of Technology); Genga, Laura (Eindhoven University of Technology); Nuijten, Raoul (Eindhoven University of Technology); Montagne, Barbara (Center for Mental Health Care); Hagenaars, Muriel (Utrecht University); Van Gorp, Pieter (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Gamifying a chronic pain management mHealth intervention: do’s and don’ts
Szymanski, Maxwell (KU Leuven); De Croon, Robin (KU Leuven); Verbert, Katrien (KU Leuven); Vanden Abeele, Vero (e-Medialab, Belgium)
mCARE: Integrating Mobile Phones, Caregivers, and Health Practitioners to Provide Regular Monitoring and Care for the Children with ASD in Bangladesh
Haque, Md (Butler University); Zarif, Md Ishrak Islam (Ubicomp Lab, Department of Computer Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233, USA); Rabbani, Masud (Marquette University); Das, Dipranjan (Marquette University); Schwichtenberg, Amy (College of Health and Human Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA); Bansal, Naveen (Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, United States); Soron, Tanjir (Neuro-Developmental Disability Protection Trust); Parveen, Shahana (Institute of Paediatric Neurodisorder & Autism, Dhaka, Bangladesh); Akhter, Shaheen (National Institute of Mental Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh); Begum, Azima (Telepsychiatry Research and Innovation Network Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh); Patwary, Shah Alam (Butler University); Schmidt, Austin (Butler University); Ahmed, Syed Ishtiaque (University of Toronto); Ahamed, Sheikh Iqbal (Marquette University)
Enhancing Asthma Attack Predictions with Neural Network Architectures in Electronic Health Record Data
Budiarto, Arif (University of Edinburgh); Sheikh, Aziz (University of Edinburgh); Wilson, Andrew M (The University of East Anglia); Price, David B (Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute); Shah, Syed Ahmar (University of Edinburgh)
Design Considerations for Self-Management Technologies for People Living with Dementia and Informal Carers – Perspectives of Healthcare Professionals and Charity Workers
Doyle, Julie (NetwellCASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology); Moran, Orla (NetwellCASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology); Wilson, Michael (NetwellCASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology); O’Neill, Siobhán (Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda); Smith, Suzanne (NetwellCASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology); Turner, Jonathan (School of Computer Science, Technological University Dublin); O’Sullivan, Dympna (School of Computer Science, Technological University Dublin)
The potential for digital physical behaviour outcomes to support disease prevention and treatment
Speirs, Craig (University of Strathclyde); Dunlop, Mark (University of Strathclyde); Roper, Marc (University of Strathclyde)
A gamified smartphone application to improve the adherence to the Mediterranean diet in cardiac patients: a usability and feasibility study
Habets, Wald (Human-Computer Interaction and eHealth, Faculty of Sciences, Hasselt University); Xu, Linqi (Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, Hasselt University); Dendale, Paul (Heart Centre Hasselt, Jessa Hospital);  Coninx, Karin (Human-Computer Interaction and eHealth, Faculty of Sciences, Hasselt University)
H2Office: Harnessing a Smartwatch and Water-Gauge System to Hydrate Knowledge Workers
Ahire, Shashank (Leibniz University Hannover); Almahayni, Abdalrazak (Human-Computer Interaction, Leibniz University Hannover); Rohs, Michael (University of Hannover)
Towards PTSD Diagnosis Through ECG Anomaly Detection based on Autoencoders
Skaramagkas, Vasileios (Hellenic Mediterranean University); Kyprakis, Ioannis (Hellenic Mediterranean University); Karanasiou, Georgia (Unit of Medical Technology Intelligent Information Systems); Fotiadis, Dimitrios (Unit of Medical Technology Intelligent Information Systems); Tsiknakis, Manolis (Computational BioMedicine Laboratory (CBML) FORTH-ICS)
Chrysanthakopoulou, Dionysia (University of Patras); Koutsojannis, Constantinos (University Of Patras)
Perspectives on Contextual Information in Dutch Cardiac Rehab: Implications for Holistic Telemonitoring
Serban, Irina Bianca (Eindhoven University of Technology); Houben, Steven (Eindhoven University of Technology); Colombo, Sara (Delft University of Technology); Brombacher, Aarnout (Eindhoven University of Technology)
A Parkinson’s Disease Gait Identification Model based on Attention Mechanism and Long Short-Term Memory Network
Jianxian, Zhang (Fuzhou University); Xianghan, Zheng (Fuzhou University); Huan, Wang (Fuzhou University); Jing, Cai (Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine); Ying, Liu (Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)


Enhancing In Vitro Fertilization with Environment Optimization Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (EIVF-AI)Khoshkangini, Reza   (Malmö University); Johnsson, Magnus   (2Kristianstad University, Sweden); Mangrio, Elisabeth   (Malmo University)
Performing Audiometry using Pupillometry: State-of-the-Market and Sensor SelectionCrivello, Antonino   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies,  National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy); La Rosa, Davide   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies,  National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy); Belli, Dimitri   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies,  National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy); Milazzo, Mario   (Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering – University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy); Palumbo, Filippo   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies,  National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy)
Multisensor setup for functional capacity testing: the Malisa datasetSalvi, Dario   (Malmo University); Olsson, Carl Magnus   (Malmö University); Lamrani Laghrib, Hicham   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Merle, KĂ©vin   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Pothier, Noa   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Yildirim, Selin   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); La Rosa, Davide   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies,  National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy); Palumbo, Filippo   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies,  National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), Pisa, Italy)
Objective Characterization of Timed up and Go Test via Sensorized MatsEriksson, Hedda   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Ramkull, Malin   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Salvi, Dario   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Olsson, Carl Magnus   (Internet of Things And People Research Center – Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT), Malmo University, Sweden); Ghezzi, Dario   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo” – National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR), 56124 Pisa, Italy); La Rosa, Davide   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo” – National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR), 56124 Pisa, Italy); Palumbo, Filippo   (Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo” – National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR), 56124 Pisa, Italy)
A flexible IMU-based unit for validation studies: a step counting applicationAngelucci, Alessandra   (Politecnico di Milano); Barbieri, Lorenzo   (Politecnico di Milano); Caramaschi, Sara   (Malmö University); Sarmiento, Clarysse Allyssa  (Politecnico di Milano); Sekules, Virginia   (Politecnico di Milano); Aliverti, Andrea   (Politecnico di Milano)