Call for Posters and Demos

The 18th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Pervasive Health 2024 invites Posters proposals that address innovative and important topics related to the application of pervasive technologies in the field of healthcare.

This session aims at reporting on the progress of ongoing research and insights into the lessons learned from current pervasive healthcare projects in a face-to-face, hands-on and more informal setting. We invite a wide range of topics and types of work including evaluations, methodologies, technological innovations, and design in the area of pervasive health. We encourage the authors to use the Posters and Demos venue as a way to open up discussions with the Pervasive Health community about their early work in progress and develop the work for future collaborations. Representatives from industry, including established companies and startups, are warmly welcome to showcase products and services that are related to the topics of the conference.

List of topics

We seek novel, innovative, and exciting work in areas including but not limited to:

  • Sensing/Actuating Technologies and Pervasive Computing
  • Intelligent Digital Health Systems and Interventions
  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
  • Identifying and Addressing Stakeholder Needs
  • Usability and Acceptability
  • Barriers and Enablers to Adoption of New Technologies and Care Models
  • Social Implications of Pervasive Health Technology and Social Inclusion
  • Patient and Caregiver Empowerment
  • Digital Interventions and Health Behavior Change
  • Autonomous Systems to Support Independent Living
  • Clinical Applications
  • Validation and Evaluation Studies
  • Telemedicine and mHealth Solutions/Telemonitoring
  • Chronic Disease and Health Risk Management Applications
  • Health/Wellbeing Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • Home-based Healthcare and Wellness Measurement and Monitoring
  • Continuous vs. Event-driven Monitoring of Patients
  • Smart Homes
  • Activity Recognition and Fall Detection
  • User Modelling and Personalization
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Data Fusion in Pervasive Healthcare Environments
  • Business Cases and Cost Issues
  • Security and Privacy Issues
  • Training of Healthcare Professional for Pervasive Healthcare
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues
  • Education and Acquired Skills
  • Publication

    Accepted and presented posters and demos will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library. Posters will be published as a part of the (EAI PervasiveHealth 2024) Conference Proceedings. 


    Poster and demo submissions should be a maximum of 4 pages including references, figures, tables, and appendix.

    The deadline for the submissions is 10 July 2024.

    Review Criteria

    Please note that a shorter version of already published work is not suitable for this session.

    Authors willing to present a poster or a demo will submit a short paper, maximum of 4 pages in total (including references, figures, tables, appendixes etc.) describing their poster or demo. Given the nature of the session, we do not enforce any strict format for these papers, but we expect most works to include a short introduction, a description of the employed methods and, if applicable, results.