Recommended hotels:
Novotel Barcelona City
Avinguda Diagonal, 201, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
Distance from venue – 9 minutes by car or 30 minutes walk
- Double room for single use : 180.00€ incl. breakfast and VAT
- Double Room occupied by 2 people: 195.00€ incl. breakfast and VAT
To make a booking, please fill out and send the attached form to:
Email:, att. Ms. Zuzana. Rates valid until 24th April 2017
Tryp Barcelona Condal Mar
C/ Cristobal de Moura, 138. 08019 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (34) 93 3077727 - Fax: (34) 93 3071115
Distance from venue - 16 minutes walk
- Double bedroom for single use: 143€ incl. breakfast and VAT
- Double bedroom: 159€ incl. breakfast and VAT
Please make a booking using the link:
Hotel Front Maritim****
Best Hotels cities; Nº Registro Turismo: HB-004149
Pº García Faria, 69, 08019 Barcelona (Barcelona) ESPAÑA
Tel. +34 933 034 440 ; Fax +34 933 034 441
Distance from venue - 15 minutes walk
- Single room: 142 EUR / room / night
- Double room: 158 EUR / room / night
Buffet Breakfast included
10% Tax included
When making booking on the hotel website, please enter code: PH 2017